March 22, 2011

"Italian" Ceramic Pot Holder

A couple weeks ago I discovered our local Habitat for Humanity Re-Store. If you don't have one in your area, picture Goodwill meets Home Depot.  LOVE!

I was there just to browse, so I didn't get as much as I could have, but I did pick up some Italian ceramic tiles. I fell in love with the shape, but could have gone without their color. I know to never judge anything by color (there is nothing spray paint or mod podge can't fix!), so I picked up 4.

I knew I wanted to change the color, but wasn't quite sure after that. I tucked them away for a rainy day project, until I knew what I was going to use them for. 

Well today it rained. Actually, it's raining, hailing and snowing. Definitally a project type of day!!! I decided on some Ceramic Pot Holders.

Here is what they looked like BEFORE:


The Supplies:

The Hubs really liked the color of the Red ones (they actually have a cool marbly look to them, which was hard to catch on film) so I decided to pretty much leave those ones alone, and concentrate my efforts on the puke green colored ones.

I found some cute scrap booking paper that I liked and it went for it.

(Hint: No need to cut the paper to the exact shape. I used sand paper to "cut" the edges once dry. I think that gives it a more antique feel than a straight cut.)

1. I roughed up the tile with some fine grit sand paper and lathered on the Mod Podge.

2. Once I had a couple good layers of Mod Pogde on there I sanded the edges to get rid of excess paper.

3. I took some brown/black acrylic paint and painted the side edges. Using a paper towel I took a small amount of paint to blend in the sides and top to give it an "older" feel.

4. I sprayed the tiles with a Clear Heat Resistant Gloss to seal everything in.

5. Lastly I  glued some cork to the bottom of each tile. 

Super simple!

Can't wait to have my next dinner guest to show off my new Pot Holders!!!

***Where I got the "Italian" part of this project***

If they said, "Made in USA" would I have called them "American Ceramic Pot Holders"??? Probably not. But thinking that I have a little piece of Italy on my table helps me dream!

Hope you're having a great week!!!


Connie the crafterbug said...

Much better! Great job!

Laura said...

I wonder if the restore still has any left? They look great! Sounds fun.

kimberly @ craftyland said...

what a great project! i love how they turned out. and i didn't even know you could buy heat safe clear gloss. fantastic!
